Evolution and control of nonmetallic inclusions in FeSiB alloy

Journal of Iron and Steel Research International(2020)

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Inclusions have a great influence on the quality of FeSiB amorphous ribbon. The evolution behavior of inclusions was analyzed. The results show that the spherical and elliptical inclusions, consisting of Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 , mainly come from industrial pure iron. Ellipsoidal inclusions of 20–30 μm in pure iron were removed by floatation during the smelting process, and spherical inclusions of 1–3 μm combined with deoxidized products in FeSiB melt form Al 2 O 3 ·SiO 2 and CaO·Al 2 O 3 ·SiO 2 inclusions. Some inclusions accumulated on the inner wall of the nozzle during the spraying process, and others flowed out of the nozzle and remained in FeSiB amorphous ribbon. By controlling the total oxygen content in industrial pure iron to 31 × 10 −6 , clogging on the inner wall of the nozzle can be reduced and the free surface smoothness of the amorphous ribbon can be improved.
FeSiB alloy, Nonmetallic inclusion, Thermodynamics, Nozzle clogging
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