Rare species of woody plants of Pinophyta Division in Berezne Dendrological Park (taxonomic composition, state, ecological and biomorphological structures)

А. А. Dzyba, V. А. Ostrovskа, М. P. Havryliuk

Annals of Forest Science(2020)

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Berezne Dendrological Park plays an important role in the enrichment of dendrofloral biodiversity in Rivne region. The park covers an area of 29.5 hectares. Plants are grouped by botanical- geographical zones (eight areas), and within zones – by a systematic principle (five areas). The results of the inventory of dendrorarities of the Pinophyta Division of 36 species, that belong to 10 genera of three families, have been analyzed. The largest number is represented by the genus Picea A. Diet. (28.0 %), Pinus L. (22.0 %), whereas genus Abies Mill has somewhat fewer representatives (19.0 %). The genera Tsuga Carr., Pseudotsuga Carr., Metasequoia Miki., Chamaecyparis Spach, Thuja L., Juniperus L., Taxus L. are poorly represented, accounting for between 3.0 and 8.0 % of the total number of the species of dendrorarities. Their current state has been assessed. The condition of the overwhelming majority of the Pinophyta Arboretum is satisfactory. The ecological structure (by relation to light; by exactingness to moisture, by exactingness to soil) has been analyzed. The ecological structure is represented mainly by scyophytes – 23 species (63.9 % of the total number of species), by heliophytes 6 species (16.7 %) and by hemiskiophytes 7 species (19.4 %). By demand of plants for soil fertility 10 species (27.8 %) of eutotrophs, 16 species (44.4 %) of mesotrophs, 9 species (25.0 %) of oligotrophs and semiotrophs have been detected. According to the results of the research, it has been established that the spectrum of the species of the dendrorarities of the Pinophyta division has three main types of hygromorphs: hygrophytes, mesophytes, xerophytes. Widespread species are: mesophytes 16 species (44.5 %) and hygrophytes 12 species (33.3 %). Less widespread are: xerophytes 3 species (8.3 %), mesohygrophytes 3 species (8.3 %), there is one submesophyte (2.8 %) – Juniperus sabina L. and mesoxerophyte (2.8 %) – Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.
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