Analysis Price List Update Process of Price List Management on Direct Material Procurement Department at PT. X

Katherine Marcella Silvanus Sie,Debora Anne Yang Aysia

KnE Life Sciences(2020)

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PT.X is one of the largest consumer goods manufacturing companies in Indonesia. As manufacturing companies PT. X has Direct Material (DIM) Procurement Department to control all direct material, which also controls the price list. The process of controlling price list update is still handled via email. The use of email as communication between internal PT. X and also with the vendor, cause email pilling up in the DIM Procurement staff’s inbox. This causes the process of updating material price list to become long and hard to control. There are approximately 4 500 direct materials and approximately 130 active vendors are handled by the DIM Procurement department annually. A large number of materials and vendor handled by DIM Procurement is one of the reasons why the process of controlling price list is important. Digitalization is one way to help the process of controlling and simplifying the price list update process. Improvements to the process of price list update will be done by designing the concept of a platform that helps improve the performance of DIM Procurement Department. The platform called price list catalog can be used to store and record all vendor price list changes. The suggestions for price list update process is to facilitate DIM Procurement department so they can easily control material price list, provide trusted price list, and always available on time. Keywords: price list catalog; price list control; price list data; pricing management
price list management,direct material procurement department,pt
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