Artificially Intelligent Decentralized Autonomous Organization

international conference on information systems(2019)

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Blockchains have enabled a slew of new opportunities, to create decentralized software and organizations. Riding on its tailcoats, we want to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) headed by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In a world where human error is majorly becoming the sole reason for mistakes, as small as a missed medication to huge ones like Chernobyl, it is becoming increasingly important to automate as many actions as possible. Creating automated organizations is only but a first step towards the goal. We decided to make an art organization which sells art to make money. The standard way of doing that would be to create a web platform like Amazon (controlled by humans) that sells art and let human artists upload their artwork. But in the interest of keeping this as automated as possible; we have decided to make a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) which generates art. Our organization will sell this art created by the GAN and use the revenues to pay for its resources. An AI will be heading it. Hence the DAO will be an entirely human less organization capable of sustaining itself.
Blockchain,DAO,AI,AI DAOs
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