Effect of Different LED Light Sources on Growth and Development of Cherry Radish

2019 16th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2019 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS)(2019)

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To explore suitable LED light sources for the growth and development of cherry radish, two kinds of LED light sources designed to cover the full spectrum with either staggered or linear arrangement were used as the experimental groups. Traditional white light LEDs were used as the control group to study the uniformity of the three kinds of light source and their influence on the growth of cherry radish. The results showed that the uniformity of the photosynthetic photon flux density of staggered and linear light sources was more than 86% compared to the conventional LED white light, which had a uniformity of 69.55%. Cherry radishes grown under staggered and linear light sources had significantly higher aboveground and belowground biomass compared to LED white light, showing a significant difference. No significant difference was found between staggered and linear groups.
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Key words
traditional white light LEDs,linear arrangement,staggered arrangement,suitable LED light sources,LED light sources,linear groups,staggered groups,conventional LED white light,linear light sources,staggered light sources,cherry radish,light source
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