Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is not 'Female Erectile Dysfunction (ED)': Challenges with the characterization of HSDD in women based on a systematic literature review.


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Objective: Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in women has been viewed inaccurately by some in the medical and payer community as analogous to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. This literature review aims to highlight the distinctions between HSDD and ED. Methods: Two systematic literature searches were conducted on the epidemiology, symptomatology and biopsychosocial outcomes of HSDD and ED. Studies published since 2007 were considered for HSDD; studies published since 2012 were considered for ED. Results: HSDD in women is primarily a central nervous system condition related to neuroendocrine factors, whereby neural pathways that regulate sexual excitation and/or inhibition appear to be involved. A combination of organic and psychogenic factors often contributes to ED. HSDD and ED are associated with similar psychological and interpersonal consequences, but affect different phases of the sexual response model (desire versus arousal) and have different pathophysiologies, therefore requiring different treatment and outcome paradigms. ED is measured by objective, physiological responses (erection and sexual function), but quantitative assessments for HSDD are more difficult because loss of desire with associated distress has to be assessed. Outcome measures used to assess ED, such as the number of satisfying sexual events, are far less informative as an endpoint for randomized clinical trials of treatments for HSDD. Conclusions: HSDD and ED are distinct conditions affecting different phases of the sexual response model, and thus require clear and unique clinical characterization and adequate communication between the health care professional and patient for appropriate diagnosis, management and treatment.
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Key words
Erectile dysfunction,female sexual dysfunction,female sexual interest,arousal disorder,hypoactive sexual desire disorder
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