Nudivirus remnants in the genomes of arthropods.


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Endogenous viral elements (EVEs), derived from all major types of viruses, have been discovered in many eukaryotic genomes, representing "fossil records" of past viral infections. The endogenization of nudiviruses has been reported in several insects, leading to the question of whether genomic integration is a common phenomenon for these viruses. In this study, genomic assemblies of insects and other arthropods were analyzed to identify endogenous sequences related to Nudiviridae. A total of 359 nudivirus-like geneswere identified in 43 species belonging to different groups; however, none of these geneswere detected in the known hosts of nudiviruses. A large proportion of the putative EVEs identified in this study encode intact open reading frames or are transcribed as mRNA5, suggesting that they result from recent endogenization of nudiviruses. Phylogenetic analyses of the identified EVEs and inspections of their flanking regions indicated that integration of nudiviruses has occurred recurrently during the evolution of arthropods. This is the first report of a comprehensive screening for nudivirus-derived EVEs in arthropod genomes. The results of this study demonstrated that a large variety of arthropods, especially hemipteran and hymenopteran insects, have previously been or are still infected by nudiviruses. These findings have greatly extended the host range of Nudiviridae and provide new insights into viral diversity, evolution, and host-virus interactions.
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Key words
Nudiviridae,arthropods,endogenous viral elements,host range,genomic data
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