Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 2. Effects of Personal and Ambient Concentrations of Ozone and Other Pollutants on Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function.

Research report (Health Effects Institute)(2020)

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Our previous MOSES 1 findings of controlled O exposure effects on pulmonary function, but not on any cardiovascular biomarker, were not confounded by ambient or personal O or other pollutant exposures in the 96 and 72 hours before the pre-exposure visit. Further, these MOSES 1 O effects were generally not modified, blunted, or lessened by these same ambient and personal pollutant exposures. However, the reductions in markers of pulmonary function by the MOSES 1 controlled O exposure were modified by ambient NO and CO, and PES NO, with reductions observed only when these pollutant concentrations were elevated in the few hours and days before the pre-exposure visit. Increased ambient O concentrations were associated with reduced HRV, with "recovery" during exposure visits. Increased ambient PM, NO, and CO were associated with reduced pulmonary function, independent of the MOSES-controlled O exposures. Increased pollutant concentrations were not associated with pre-exposure or pre- to post-exposure changes in other cardiopulmonary biomarkers. Future controlled exposure studies should consider the effect of ambient pollutants on pre-exposure biomarker levels and whether ambient pollutants modify any health response to a controlled pollutant exposure.
ozone,ambient concentrations,other pollutants,older subjects,cardiovascular
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