NORDSTAR: paving the way for a new era in asthma research.


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Asthma is a heterogeneous, chronic airways disease with large variation in prevalence between geographies [1, 2]. In the Nordic countries, prevalence of asthma has been reported to be 10% in Denmark [1], 9–11% in Finland [1, 3], 11–12% in Norway [1], and 8–10% in Sweden [1, 4, 5]. Poor asthma control is associated with substantial reductions in patient quality of life [6–8], higher morbidity and mortality [9, 10], together with significantly increased direct and indirect costs [6, 11]. Footnotes This manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal . It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article. Conflict of interest: Kirk Geale reports research project funding from Novartis for the current work, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Quantify Research, during the conduct of the study and outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Hatef Darabi reports research project funding from Novartis for the current work, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Quantify Research, during the conduct of the study and outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Lindh reports research project funding from Novartis for the current work, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Quantify Research, during the conduct of the study and outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Hanna Fues Wahl reports research project funding from Novartis for the current work, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Quantify Research, during the conduct of the study and outside the submitted work Conflict of interest: Dr. Strom reports research project funding from Novartis for the current work, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Quantify Research, during the conduct of the study and outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Cao reports that she is an employee of Novartis Pharmaceutical Company since 2015. Conflict of interest: L. Alvares Conflict of interest: Dr. Dodge has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Loefroth reports personal fees from Novartis, during the conduct of the study; . Conflict of interest: Dr. ALTRAJA reports personal fees and other from AstraZeneca, personal fees and other from Berlin-Chemie Menarini, personal fees and other from Boehringer Ingelheim, grants, personal fees and other from Chiesi (Norameda), grants, personal fees and other from GlaxoSmithKline, personal fees and other from MSD, personal fees and other from CSL Behring, personal fees and other from Roche, personal fees and other from Teva, grants and personal fees from Bayer, other from Actelion (Johnson u0026 Johnson), personal fees and other from Sanofi, personal fees from Shire Pharmaceuticals, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: No conflict.Vibeke Backer Conflict of interest: Dr. Backman reports personal fees from Astra Zeneca, outside the submitted work; . Conflict of interest: Dr. Bjermer reports personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Boehringer, personal fees from Chiesi, personal fees from GSK, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Teva, personal fees from ALK, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Bossios reports personal fees (advisory and/or lecture honorarium) from AZ, personal fees (advisory and/or lecture honorarium) from TEVA, personal fees (advisory and/or lecture honorarium) from GSK, personal fees (advisory and/or lecture honorarium) from NOVARTIS, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Aarli reports personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, personal fees from GlaxosmithKlein, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Chiesi, personal fees from Alere, other from KBB Medic AS, outside the submitted work. Dr. Dahlen reports personal fees from AstraZeneca, GSK, Teva, Sanofi, Novartis, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Hilberg has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Kankaanranta reports grants, personal fees and non-financial support from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Chiesi Pharma AB, personal fees and non-financial support from Boehringer-Ingelheim, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Mundipharma, personal fees and non-financial support from Orion Pharma, personal fees from SanofiGenzyme, personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline, outside the submitted work; . Conflict of interest: Dr. Karjalainen reports personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, personal fees from Chiesi, personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline, personal fees from Mundipharma, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Orion Pharma, personal fees from Teva, outside the submitted work; . Conflict of interest: Dr. Kauppi reports personal fees from Lecturing (GSK, Teva, Novartis), personal fees from Manuscript (Fimea), personal fees from Consultancy (Sanofi), outside the submitted work; . Conflict of interest: Dr. Kilpelainen has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Lehmann reports other from null, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Astra Zeneca, personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, outside the submitted work; . Conflict of interest: Dr. Lehtimaki reports personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Chiesi, personal fees from GSK, personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, personal fees from MSD, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from OrionPharma, personal fees from ALK, personal fees from Teva, personal fees from Sanofi, outside the submitted work Conflict of interest: Dr. Lundback reports grants from AstraZeneca, personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from GSK, personal fees from Sanofi, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: Dr. Sandstrom has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Ulrik has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Sverrild has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Viinanen has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. von Bulow has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Yasinska has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: Dr. Porsbjerg reports grants and personal fees from Astra Zeneca, grants and personal fees from GSK, grants and personal fees from Novartis, grants and personal fees from Sanofi, grants and personal fees from Teva, outside the submitted work; . Conflict of interest: Dr. Janson has nothing to disclose.
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