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Depleted Graphene-Oxide-Semiconductor Junctions for High Energy Radiation Detection

2019 Device Research Conference (DRC)(2019)

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The deeply depleted graphene-oxide-semiconductor junction (D 2 GOS) architecture has been shown to be a highly sensitive light detector [1]. In this architecture, photogenerated charge in the depletion region of the semiconductor is separated and then directly readout by an adjacent graphene layer similarly to a photoFET. Although detection of (electrons and light) radiation using graphene has been previously demonstrated, only limited work has been conducted on other types of ionizing radiation detection with graphene [2]-[3]. In this work we demonstrate advances made in high energy (2 & 20 MeV), heavy ion (Si + ) detection using the D 2 GOS junction, leveraging our previous experience and fabrication improvements for visible light detection using a silicon absorber substrate.
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Key words
visible light detection,depleted graphene-oxide-semiconductor junctions,high energy radiation detection,highly sensitive light detector,photogenerated charge,D2GOS junction,heavy ion detection,silicon absorber substrate,electron volt energy 20.0 MeV,electron volt energy 2 MeV,Si+,CO
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