Persistent response and nonlinear coupling of flexural modes in ultra-strongly driven membrane resonators

arXiv (Cornell University)(2020)

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We study the phenomenon of persistent response in ultra-strongly driven membrane resonators. This term denotes the development of a vibrating state with nearly constant amplitude over a very wide frequency range, which can extend of frequency ranges as large as 50% of the linear eigenfrequency of the strongly driven mode. We reveal the underlying mechanism to obtain the persistent response state by directly imaging the vibrational state using advanced optical interferometry. We show that the persistent state is correlated to the nonlinear mode coupling between different parametrically driven flexural modes and their localized overtones, the latter of which denotes the phenomenon that different parts of the membrane oscillate dominantly at different multiples of the driving frequency. We show that two different excitation mechanisms are at play describing based on parametric subharmonic drive and they give rise to different shapes of the resonance curves. We propose a stability diagram for the different vibrational states that the membrane can adopt. Our results are important for understanding nonlinear resonance behavior appearing in different fields of physics as well as for the development of amplitude-stable mechanical resonators with broadband tunable frequency.
flexural modes,nonlinear coupling,membrane,ultra-strongly
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