Establishment of a Standardized Vaccine Protocol for the Analysis of Protective Immune Responses During Experimental Trypanosome Infections in Mice.

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)(2020)

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To date, trypanosomosis control in humans and animals is achieved by a combination of parasitological screening and treatment. While this approach has successfully brought down the number of reported T. b. gambiense Human African Trypanosomosis (HAT) cases, the method does not offer a sustainable solution for animal trypanosomosis (AT). The main reasons for this are (i) the worldwide distribution of AT, (ii) the wide range of insect vectors involved in transmission of AT, and (iii) the existence of a wildlife parasite reservoir that can serve as a source for livestock reinfection. Hence, in order to control livestock trypanosomosis the only viable long-term solution is an effective antitrypanosome vaccination strategy. Over the last decades, multiple vaccine approaches have been proposed. Despite repeated reports of promising experimental approaches, none of those made it to a field applicable vaccine format. This failure can in part be attributed to flaws in the experimental design that favor a positive laboratory result. This chapter provides a vaccine protocol that should allow for a proper outcome prediction in experimental anti-AT vaccine approaches.
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Key words
B cell,Memory,Vaccination
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