An Inclusive Research Method For The Open Door College: Valuing The Perceptions Of The College Community

Mia Ocean,Jeanean Mohr,Ava L. Parker, Peter Barbatis, Maria M. Vajello,Kathleen Woods, Kelli Tigertail,James Keller


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The majority of research related to community and state colleges is conducted by external individuals, primarily university faculty. This approach reinforces the hierarchical structure within higher education and lends to potential bias and exclusion of characteristics unique to such colleges. The purpose of this study was to utilize a democratic research methodology, a Participatory Action Research Assistantship Program (PARAP), to identify institutional challenges and solutions at a state college. The PARAP method values inclusivity, draws on internal expertise, enhances student skill sets, and creates a unique opportunity for colleges to minimize the existing power structure. The research team identified three themes focused on areas for improvement: students need guidance; both the college and students need more resources; and the college needs a culture shift. Solutions were also compiled and subsequently implemented to address the identified areas of concern. The findings and recommendations generated by this method, in part, mirrored the work of external researchers but also expanded generalizable knowledge, adding previously undocumented areas of concern as well as on the ground, practical solutions. Therefore, this project supports the notion that community and state colleges can and need to conduct their own research.
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open door college,inclusive research method,college community,perceptions
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