Turistas en la Grand Place de Bruselas

Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles(2019)

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Uno de los rasgos caracteristicos del turismo urbano es su selectividad espacial: mirada y actividades turisticas se concentran sobre una serie de espacios cuyo paisaje se transforma por la afluencia de visitantes. Turistas y excursionistas fotografian estos lugares y se fotografian en estos lugares, lo que permite una facil identificacion de la ciudad turistica. Es una forma de aprehender un momento del viaje que, desde el nacimiento de la fotografia, ha servido como soporte de recuerdo y distincion. Ritual basico en el comportamiento del visitante, su importancia no deja de crecer debido al interes por compartir imagenes en redes sociales. Dada la inmediatez que posibilitan telefonos y otros dispositivos moviles, la idea del recuerdo se diluye, pero no la distincion asociada al viaje como practica social contemporanea. Tourists at the Grand Place in Brussels One of the features characteristic of urban tourism is its spatial selectivity: tourist gaze and activities are gathered on a series of spaces whose landscape is transformed by the influx of visitors. Tourists and visitors take pictures of these places as well as of themselves in such places, allowing an easy identification of the tourist city. It is a way of capturing a moment of the journey that, since the birth of photography, has served as memory and support for distinction. It is a basic ritual in the visitoru0027s behavior whose importance does not cease to grow due to the interest in sharing images on social media. Given the immediacy provided by telephones and other mobile devices, the idea of the memory becomes blurred, but not the distinction associated with travel as a contemporary social practice.
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