Peer Social Acceptance And Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Study


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Using meta-analytic techniques, we examined systematically the evidence linking peer social acceptance to academic achievement. Based on 72 studies that yielded 157 effect sizes, we analyzed relations between social acceptance and academic outcomes (e.g., academic grades, test scores), including the extent to which relations were moderated by sex, grade level (primary vs. secondary), culture (country of origin), and measurement strategies (peer nomination vs. rating strategies; classroom-based vs. standardized indicators of achievement); and mediated by motivation (self-concept, affective outcomes) and active engagement. A medium effect size suggests that peer social acceptance is related significantly and positively to academic achievement. Moderator effects were medium to large, suggesting that relations were significantly stronger for younger students, students from Asian countries, and for classroom-based assessments of achievement. Small effect sizes suggest that academic-specific selfbeliefs (e.g., efficacy), negative affect, and active engagement partly mediate relations between social acceptance and academic performance.Educational Impact and Implications StatementUsing meta-analytic techniques, we summarized evidence from 72 studies that examined the evidence that links being socially accepted by peers to academic achievement. Overall, the association between peer social acceptance and achievement was significant and positive. However, the strength of the relation was stronger for elementary students than for secondary students and for students from Asian countries compared to those in North American and European countries; it also was stronger when predicting classroom grades as opposed to standardized test scores. In addition, evidence suggested that relations between peer acceptance and achievement might be partly explained by potential influences of peer acceptance on a student's academic self-concept, negative affect, and active engagement. The results of this study suggest an important role for peers in supporting students' academic accomplishments and provide support for classroom instruction that utilizes peer-assisted learning activities.
peer acceptance, achievement, motivation, meta-analysis
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