Isolated Corneal Chemical Eye Injury Following Splash From Plantain Stem Sap: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Nigerian journal of ophthalmology(2019)

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Purpose: This article reports a case of corneal injury following a splash from the sap of plantain stem. Case Report: A 54-year-old female presented with a history of plantain stem sap splash into her right eye of 7-h duration with associated ocular pain, tearing, photophobia, and blurring of vision. On ocular examination, visual acuity was 6/18 OD; slit lamp examination revealed a well-delineated fluorescein-positive corneal epithelial defect with associated mild stromal edema. Left eye examination was essentially normal. She washed her face and eyes with water immediately after the splash and further had eye irrigation by attending ophthalmologist on presentation. The patient was immediately commenced on prednisolone, moxifloxacin, cyclopentolate, and ascorbate eye drops and tetracycline ointment. Corneal edema resolved in 4 days whereas the epithelial defect was completely healed by day 12 and visual acuity was restored to 6/6. Conclusion: Although farmers are exposed daily to various types of eye injuries from parts of plants, this report highlights corneal eye injury following plantain stem sap splash in a farmer who did not use protective eye goggles while working in the farm and how prompt institution of treatment can sight loss and loss of corneal integrity.
plantain stem sap,eye
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