Comparison of the sediment composition in relation to basic chemical, physical, and geological factors

International Journal of Sediment Research(2020)

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Sediment constitutes an interesting and valuable material for observation of human impact on the environment. Based on the sediment core samples in two Tatra Mountains lakes, determination of the selected elements (including cesium 137 radionuclide activity and heavy metals' concentrations) and dating of the obtained layers by the lead 210 method, chemometric analysis of the resulting data set was done. It was established, as a result of Cluster Analysis, that the variability of the determined parameters was distinct in the lakes with much higher concentrations of heavy metals in Smreczyński staw lake. Also, the influence of human activity (long distance transport of contaminants) is notable on the north slopes of the Tatras (Smreczyński staw lake) comparing to Popradske pleso lake. The examined elements can be divided into two groups –natural to the site origin (iron, manganese, and magnesium), and elements whose accumulation in the sediments can be related (at least in part) to human activity (137Cs, zinc, copper, cadmium, lead, and chromium). The results confirm the existence of the so called “screen effect”, meaning that the Tatra Mountains’ crest delimits to a considerable extent further transport of pollutants to the south side of the Tatra Mountains slopes.
Sediment,Tatra mountains,Metals,Radionuclides,Chemometry
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