Improved inversion of aerosol components in the atmospheric column from remote sensing data


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Knowledge of the composition of atmospheric aerosols is important for reducing uncertainty in climate assessment. In this study, an improved algorithm is developed for the retrieval of atmospheric columnar aerosol components from optical remote sensing data. This is achieved by using the complex refractive index (CRI) of a multicomponent liquid system in the forward model and minimizing the differences with the observations. The aerosol components in this algorithm comprise five species, combining eight sub-components including black carbon (BC), water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) and water-insoluble organic matter (WIOM), ammonium nitrate (AN), sodium chloride (SC), dust-like content (DU), and aerosol water content in the fine and coarse modes (AW(f) and AW(c)). The calculation of the CRI in the multicomponent liquid system allows for the separation of the water-soluble components (AN, WSOM and AW(f)) in the fine mode and SC and AW(c) in the coarse mode. The uncertainty in the retrieval results is analyzed based on the simulation of typical models, showing that the complex refractive index obtained from instantaneous optical-physical inversion compares well with that obtained from chemical estimation. The algorithm was used to retrieve the columnar aerosol components over China using the ground-based remote sensing measurements from the Sun-sky radiometer Observation NETwork (SONET) in the period from 2010 to 2016. The results were used to analyze the regional distribution and interannual variation. The analysis shows that the atmospheric columnar DU component is dominant in the northern region of China, whereas the AW is higher in the southern coastal region. The SC component retrieved over the desert in northwest China originates from a pale-omarine source. The AN significantly decreased from 2011 to 2016, by 21.9 mg m(-2), which is inseparable from China's environmental control policies.
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Key words
atmospheric column,aerosol components,remote sensing,improved inversion
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