The effects of biodegradable and plastic film mulching on nitrogen uptake, distribution, and leaching in a drip-irrigated sandy field


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Drip irrigation under plastic film mulching with applications of the N-fertilizer is an excellent agricultural strategy, resulting in saving irrigation water, improving N use efficiency, and increasing crop yield. However, the film residue and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) losses are the leading cause of non-point pollution in agricultural fields. To promote the development of sustainable agriculture, the HYDRUS (2D/3D) model was first calibrated and then validated using experimental data from 2016 and 2017, respectively, collected in the drip-irrigated sandy field with plastic film mulching (PFM), biodegradable film mulching (BFM), and no film mulching (NFM). Additionally, the NO3-N spatial and temporal distributions, uptake, leaching, and use efficiency (NUE) under PFM, BFM, and NFM with 280 kg ha(-1) of the N-fertilizer (the local recommendation) were evaluated using both observed and simulated data. These factors were also assessed under BFM with 210 (75 % of the recommended value) and 140 kg ha(-1) (50 % of the recommended value) of the N-fertilizer. The results of numerical simulations were in good agreement with observations, with the RMSE, R-2, and NSE during verification being 0.01-0.08 mg cm(-3), 0.62-0.87, and 0.68-0.94, respectively. When the same amount of the N-fertilizer (280 kg ha(-1)) was applied in each treatment, there were no apparent differences in NO3-N concentrations in the soil profile, cumulative NO3-N uptake by corn (CNU), and cumulative NO3-N leaching (CNL) in the 100-cm soil depth between the BFM280 and PFM280 scenarios (the subscript indicates the amount of the N-fertilizer) during the early growing season (Day After Sowing [DAS] of 0-78 in 2016 and DAS of 0-92 in 2017). However, CNU and CNL were higher, and the NO3-N concentrations in the upper soil layer (0-40 cm soil layer) lower in these two scenarios than in the NFM280 scenario. The NO3-N concentrations in the topsoil layer (the 0-20 cm soil layer) in the BFM280 scenario were 3.9 % higher than in the PFM280 scenario during DAS 93-154 in 2017 due to the disintegration of the biodegradable film and 26.3 % lower during DAS 79-155 in 2016 because of intensive rainfall. Additionally, the highest NUE (50.9 kg kg(-1), the average value for two years) was found when 75 % of the recommended N-fertilizer (210 kg ha(-1)) was applied. Therefore, an application of 210 kg ha(-1) of the N-fertilizer in the BFM scenario can be recommended for sandy farmland to avoid plastic pollution, increase NUE, and effectively promote the development of sustainable agriculture.
Drip irrigation,Biodegradable film mulching,Plastic film mulching,Nitrate nitrogen,N-fertilizer application,Sandy field
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