Analysing performance issues of open-source intrusion detection systems in high-speed networks

Journal of Information Security and Applications(2020)

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Driven by the growing data transfer needs, industry and research institutions are deploying 100 Gb/s networks. As such high-speed networks become prevalent, these also introduce significant technical challenges. In particular, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) cannot process network activities at such a high rate when monitoring large and diverse traffic volumes, thus resulting in packet drops. Unfortunately, the high packet drop rate has a significant impact on detection accuracy. In this work, we investigate two popular open-source IDSs: Snort and Suricata along with their comparative performance benchmarks to better understand drop rates and detection accuracy in 100 Gb/s networks. More specifically, we study vital factors (including system resource usage, packet processing speed, packet drop rate, and detection accuracy) that limit the applicability of IDSs to high-speed networks. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive analysis to show the performance impact on IDSs by using different configurations, traffic volumes and different flows. Finally, we identify challenges of using open-source IDSs in high-speed networks and provide suggestions to help network administrators to address identified issues and give some recommendations for developing new IDSs that can be used for high-speed networks.
performance issues,open-source,high-speed
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