In Vitro Anti-Candida Activity of Different Saudi Honeys and Honey Mixed with Taifi Rose Oil

Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia(2019)

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: Candida albicans is a common human yeast that infect several epithelial tissues including vagina. The increase of drug-resisting C. albicans encouraged the researchers to find alternative treatment. Honey medical signatures such as bactericidal, antifungal and anti-candida made it a possible candidate for disease treatment. In addition, rose essential oil possesses a wide range of biochemical activities in folkloric medicine including anti-microbial activities. The present research utilizes honey alone or in conjunction with Taifi rose (Rosa damascena) oil as anti-candida agent to treat vaginal candidiasis. Three local monof oral honeys from different flower sources and/or geographic origins were tested with four concentrations (50, 80 and 95%), while two concentrations of the Taifi rose oil (1 and 2%). anti-candida activity of honey alone or in conjunction with Taifi rose oil was determined as well as phenolic and flavonoids contents were determined. Also, GC-MS analysis of volatile oils and alkaloids were evaluated. The results of this study indicated that acidity is within the allowed range for commercialization and long-lasting storage. All honeys tested inhibited completely the C. albicans growth at concentrations 80% and 95% either incubation after 48 or 72 h. Also, only Markh and Manuka honeys were completely inhibited C. albicans growth at 50% concentration. Also, C. albicans growth inhibited completely at 2% Taifi rose oil after the incubation periods of 48 and 72 h. The phenolic compounds and flavonoids were analysed by mass spectrometry analysis which revealed the Markh honey showed the presence of gallic acid and quercetin that proved to have antifungal activity. It could be concluded that mixed Markh honey and Taifi rose oil treatment was capable to inhibit C. albicans growth completely. Further research is required to determine the anti-candida activity of the mixture of Markh honey and Taifi rose oil in the human body as a new therapeutic drug to treat vaginal candidiasis.
different saudi honeys,honeys mixed,anti-candida
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