Rejuvenation In Hot-Drawn Micrometer Metallic Glassy Wires


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We report an enhanced rejuvenation in hot-drawn micrometer metallic glassy wires (MG wires) with the size reduction. Compared to metallic glasses (MGs) in bulk form, the modulus and hardness for the micro-scale MG wires, tested by nanoindentation methods, are much lower and decrease with the decreasing size, with a maximum decrease of similar to 26% in modulus and similar to 17% in hardness. This pronounced rejuvenation is evidenced by the larger sub-T-g relaxation enthalpy of the MG wires. The pronounced rejuvenation is physically related to the higher energy state induced by a combined effect of severely thermomechanical shearing and freezing the shear flow into a constrained small-volume region. Our results reveal that the internal states and properties of MGs can be dramatically changed by a proper modulation of temperature, flow stress and size.
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