Development and Implementation of Enhanced Shortest Path Algorithm for Navigation of Mobile Robot for Warehouse Automation (MRWA)

Hasan Habib, Saad Waseem, Abdul Hannan Ghafoor

2019 7th International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON)(2019)

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This paper presents development and implementation of a unique shortest path algorithm for navigation of mobile robot in a dynamic environment. A grid of passive RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags is utilized for the localization of swarm robots in the warehouse. The RFID tags, the mobile robots and the remote Control unit are the key components for the MRWA algorithm. On the desire of user, the robots are able to move objects in parallel from one place of the warehouse to another in an efficient and effective manner. Control unit controls the movement of all robots and navigate the selected robot to the desired location using shortest path MRWA algorithm. The algorithm also takes consideration of obstacles placed in the path, avoiding the collision of robot. The validity of the design was also tested and verified by practical implementation of a 5×5 gird in an experimental lab environment.
Mobile,robot,warehouse,automation,artificial intelligence,shortest path algorithm
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