The lamellar structure and biomimetic properties of a fish scale matrix

Huanhuan Feng,Xia Li, Xiaoming Deng,Xiaolei Li, Jitong Guo, Ke Ma,Bo Jiang


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The chemical composition of scaffolds is similar to the extracellular matrix of the target tissue, but sometimes scaffolds cannot meet the special functional requirements for the initial stage of engineering tissue, such as mechanical and optical properties. Bionic scaffolds require certain levels of supramolecular structure, textile structure and liquid crystal structure. Here, we will focus our attention on animal tissues with a similar high-level structure to that of the target organization and we hope to achieve the desired results through new technical means. In this study, we have developed a method to obtain a fish scale lamellar matrix from grass carp scales. The fine structure of the scale matrix has been studied, and it was found that the grass carp scale matrix is a textured structure consisting of multiple collagen sheets, which have a double-twisted spiral structure similar to a liquid crystal, thus correcting the literature reports of a single twisted spiral structure. Interestingly, this structure has many similarities with the cornea, cementum and tibial matrix. At the same time, the correlation between the etching time and the optical properties of the scaffold was also studied, and the scale matrix can reach light transmission and refraction levels similar to those of the corneal stroma. Moreover, the matrix has good mechanical properties, in vitro anti-enzymatic abilities and compatibility with human corneal epithelial cells. Therefore, this kind of scaffold material and preparation method, with a lamellar structure and special physical parameters, may provide new hope for corneal prosthesis.
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