Effect of Different Intercrops on Growth Parameters of Sole and Intercropped Transplanted Pigeonpea

N. Manjunatha,A. S. Halepyati, B. M. Chittapur, B. G. Mastanreddy,A. Amaregouda,K. Narayana Rao

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2019)

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A filed experiment was conducted to study the “effect of different intercrops on growth parameters of sole and intercropped transplanted pigeonpea” at ICAR-KVK farm, Kalaburgi, Karnataka on vertisols medium black soils during kharif 2016-17 and 2017-18. The experiment was laid out using RCBD, replicated thrice with eleven treatments combinations. The treatments consisted of transplanted pigeonpea with greengram (1:4), transplanted pigeonpea with blackgram (1:4), transplanted pigeonpea with soybean (1:4), transplanted pigeonpea with sesamum (1:4), transplanted pigeonpea with sunflower (1:1), sole transplanted pigeonpea, sole greengram, sole blackgram, sole soybean and sole sunflower. Results of pooled data of two years revealed that sole transplanted pigeonpea recorded higher growth parameters viz., plant height(195.99 cm), number of leaves per plant (605.10), leaf area (93.81 dm2 plant-1), leaf area index (0.834), leaf area duration (142.23 days) and total dry matter production (710.86 g plant-1) at harvest over intercropped transplanted pigeonpea.
transplanted pigeonpea,different intercrops,growth parameters
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