Examination of specific effects of different homeopathic preparations on cress seedlings with a CuCl2-biocrystallization assay

Anezka Sokol,Paul Doesburg,Claudia Scherr,Tim Jäger, Annekathrin Ücker,Stephan Baumgartner

International Journal of High Dilution Research(2021)

Cited 23|Views3
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The effect of six different homeopathic remedies on cress (Lepidium sativum L.) has been examined by CuCl2-biocrystallization. The method was based on the protocols of [1] and a follow up study (not yet published). Cress seeds germinated and grew for four days in vitro in a 30x potentization of Stannum metallicum, Arsenic Album, Mercurius metallicum, Sulphur, Silicea or Lactose (control) in a blinded and fully randomized assignment. Each remedy was prepared sterile and divided into 20 bottles used in 10 experiments. CuCl2-biocrystallization of seedlings extracted in the homeopathic preparations was performed on circular glass plates. Resulting biocrystallograms were analysed by digital textural image analysis. Texture analysis variables analysed yielded significant results between the control and some of the homeopathic treatments, as well as between a number of the different treatments. As the texture of the biocrystallograms of homeopathically treated cress exhibited effects depending on the remedies, the CuCl2-biocrystallization method will be further applied to a larger study investigating specific effects of different homeopathic preparations.
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Key words
cress seedlings,different homeopathic preparations
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