Increasingly Complex Techno-Digital Realities In The Dynamics Of Scientific Discourse


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The article analyzes how factors of accelerating and complicating development of science and technology lead to changes in people's living conditions and, consequently, scientific discourse. The stage of industrial modernization was dominated by monodisciplinary knowledge with pronounced boundaries, which was rather functional for analyzing the realities of specific spheres of human life under the conditions of relatively slow development of the social and natural worlds. Scientists sought to identify "solid" technological, social, and economic correlations, to substantiate "universal" laws of socium and nature in the context of the mechanical picture of the world. However, the acceleration and increasing complexity of the development of science and technology have contributed to start the transition from monodisciplinary to interdisciplinary knowledge. The state of affairs changed significantly in the period of 'reflexive modernization' (Beck, Giddens, Lash), which was expressed in scientific 'turns' - qualitative changes in the production of knowledge in the form of permanently complicating scientific discourse. The 'turns' implied a different methodology of cognition, the rejection of "solid" correlations and "universal" laws, the transition to the interpretation of "liquid" realities (Bauman), the reflexion concerning the "runaway world" (Giddens). The post-modernization, the becoming of 'digital society' mark a radically different trend in the systems of knowledge production and the transition to a post-disciplinary scientific discourse. The main factors of this discourse are: the increasing complexity of acceleration; the formation of a unique socio-technonatural reality, which possesses the qualities of a complex system and develops non-linearly; the complication of risks in the transition from a "risk society" to a "world risk society" (Beck); "new" catastrophes of a " liquid" nature in the form of side effects of pragmatic human activity; the emergence of global cosmopolitanism as a supranational reality; the birth of complex forms of metamorphosis development; the formation of "post-humanism" and the appearance of new approaches to the essence of humanism. However, in the emerging post-disciplinary discourse the limits to knowing in the form of diminution of the intrinsic value of social beings and living entities are still preserved. That is why the author argues for a humanistic turn in all sciences and for post-disciplinarity with a humanistic pivot.
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Key words
'Digital society', scientific discourse, scientific turns, monodisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, post-disciplinarity, post-humanism, humanistic turn
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