On the complexity of zero gap MIP*


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The class $\mathsf{MIP}^*$ is the set of languages decidable by multiprover interactive proofs with quantum entangled provers. It was recently shown by Ji, Natarajan, Vidick, Wright and Yuen that $\mathsf{MIP}^*$ is equal to $\mathsf{RE}$, the set of recursively enumerable languages. In particular this shows that the complexity of approximating the quantum value of a non-local game $G$ is equivalent to the complexity of the Halting problem. In this paper we investigate the complexity of deciding whether the quantum value of a non-local game $G$ is exactly $1$. This problem corresponds to a complexity class that we call zero gap $\mathsf{MIP}^*$, denoted by $\mathsf{MIP}^*_0$, where there is no promise gap between the verifier's acceptance probabilities in the YES and NO cases. We prove that $\mathsf{MIP}^*_0$ extends beyond the first level of the arithmetical hierarchy (which includes $\mathsf{RE}$ and its complement $\mathsf{coRE}$), and in fact is equal to $\Pi_2^0$, the class of languages that can be decided by quantified formulas of the form $\forall y \, \exists z \, R(x,y,z)$. Combined with the previously known result that $\mathsf{MIP}^{co}_0$ (the commuting operator variant of $\mathsf{MIP}^*_0$) is equal to $\mathsf{coRE}$, our result further highlights the fascinating connection between various models of quantum multiprover interactive proofs and different classes in computability theory.
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zero gap mip,complexity
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