Probiotic from human breast milk, Lactobacillus fermentum , promotes growth in animal model of chronic malnutrition


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Background Chronic undernutrition leads to growth hormone resistance and poor growth in children, which has been shown to be modulated by microbiota. We studied whether Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 ( Lf CECT5716 ), isolated from mother’s breast milk, could promote juvenile growth through the modulation of lipid absorption in a model of starvation. Methods Germ-free (GF) Drosophila melanogaster larvae were inoculated with Lf CECT5716 in conditions of undernutrition with and without infant formula. The impact of Lf CECT5716 on larval growth was assessed 7 days after egg laying (AED) by measuring the larval size and on maturation by measuring the emergence of pupae during 21 days AED. For lipid absorption test, Caco2/TC7 intestinal cells were incubated with Lf CECT5716 and challenged with mixed lipid micelles. Results The mono-associated larvae with Lf CECT5716 were significantly longer than GF larvae (3.7 vs 2.5 mm; p < 0.0001). The effect was maintained when Lf CECT5716 was added to the infant formula. The maturation time of larvae was accelerated by Lf CECT5716 (12 vs 13.2 days; p = 0.01). Lf CECT5716 did not have significant impact on lipid absorption in Caco2/TC7 cells. Conclusions Lf CECT5716 is a growth-promoting strain upon undernutrition in Drosophila, with a maintained effect when added to an infant formula but without effect on lipid absorption in vitro.
Medicine/Public Health,general,Pediatrics,Pediatric Surgery
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