Industrial Robot Rotate Vector Reducer Fault Detection Based on Hidden Markov Models.


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Reliable fault detection of rotate vector (RV) reducer is of paramount importance for the long-term maintenance of high-precision industrial robots. This paper proposes a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based RV reducer fault detection using Acoustic Emission (AE) measurements. Compared with the conventional faults from the common rotating machinery (such as bearings and gears), the fault from the RV reducer is more complicated and undetectable due to its inherent inline and two-stage meshing structure. To this end, this work modifies the HMM model by taking into account not only the current observations and previous states, but also the subsequent series of observations within the posteriori probability framework. Through this way, the random and unknown disturbance, which is common in the industrial scenarios, could be reduced. Besides, the HMM is also applied to separate the AE signal bulks within one cycle that has 39 subcycles, which is a critical step for AE signal pre-processings. The proposed method has been evaluated on our collected AE signal dataset from the RV reducer in the industrial robotic platform. The experimental results and analysis validate that the proposed HMM based RV Reducer fault detection model can reliably and accurately detect reducer faults.
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Key words
industrial robotic platform,HMM based RV reducer fault detection model,industrial robot rotate vector reducer fault detection,AE signal dataset,industrial scenarios,HMM model,common rotating machinery,acoustic emission measurements,hidden Markov model,high-precision industrial robots,long-term maintenance,reliable fault detection
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