Personality Prediction Based on Content of Facebook Users:A Literature Review

Zan Mo Mo Aung, Phyu Hninn Myint

2019 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD)(2019)

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Nowadays, predicting personality from social media turn out to be a trending research area in computational linguistic. Personality is combination of characteristic and behavior of individual differences in people. Conventionally, personality assessment through interview or self-report inventories performed by psychology experts are expensive, time consuming, difficult and labor intensive. With the development of Internet usage, people can express their activities, feeling, thoughts, and opinions through social media. Posts, comments and status updates made by users of social media can reveal personal information. A new approach is done to automatically infer users' personality traits by using publicly available information on social media platform. This paper provides an overview on the personality prediction based on language features. This paper may act as a support material for those who wish to know about personality prediction from the Facebook status update content.
personality,personality prediction,Big Five Model,social media
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