The Citizen Psychologist Curriculum-Preparing Psychologists For Public Service: The 2018 American Psychological Association Presidential Initiative

Jessica Henderson Daniel,Ronald H Rozensky,Catherine L Grus, Kathleen S Brown,Cynthia A Gómez, Lara Bruner, Kermit A Crawford,Amber Hewitt,Elizabeth L McQuaid,Jeffery S Mio, Carlos Montalvan,Roger N Reeb,Ana Ruiz,Peter Sheras, Wayne Siegel,Jennifer M Taylor, Wendi Williams, Edward J Ameen, Jessica Andrade


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This article describes a curriculum developed as part of the American Psychological Association President Jessica Henderson Daniel's, 2018 Presidential Initiative-The Citizen Psychologist. The curriculum is designed to prepare the next generation of Citizen Psychologists to provide the broadest sense of service as leaders in their communities and in public service psychology. The curriculum prepares the learner to bring psychological knowledge, science, and expertise to bear on existing challenges to improve community well-being locally, nationally, and globally. This includes addressing the services needs of various vulnerable populations such as veterans, prisoners, the seriously mentally ill, those with substance abuse problems, children, and older adults. Competency-based curricula are presented in a series of modules, each dedicated to a level of education and training from high school through lifelong learning. Each module presents learning outcomes, activities, and resources designed to develop level-specific competencies. Steps for implementation and recommendations at the local and national level are provided. Implications of incorporating the Citizen Psychologist curriculum in education and training programs are discussed including encouraging students to explore volunteer and career opportunities in public service psychology.
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Citizen Psychologist, service learning, competency-based education, psychology education
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