Freshwater Shrimps from Karst Caves of Southern China, with Descriptions of Seven New Species and the Identity of Typhlocaridina linyunensis Li and Luo, 2001 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea).


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Seven new atyid shrimp species of the genus Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 are described from southern China: C. longshan sp. nov., C. alu sp. nov., C. spinicrus sp. nov., C. beiliu sp. nov., C. jiangkou sp. nov., C. guilin sp. nov. and C. laticarpalis sp. nov. Descriptions and figures for all taxa are provided, and taxa are compared with their closest congeners. An updated list of all cave atyid and palaemonid shrimp species found in China is provided. Caridina semiblepsia Guo, Choy and Gui, 1996 is here regarded as a junior subjective synonym of C. ablepsia Guo, Jiang and Zhang, 1992. One poorly known species, Typhlocaridina linyunensis Li and Luo, 2001, described from a cave in Guangxi is here shown to be a palaemonid instead of an atyid, and is actually the senior synonym of Macrobrachium lingyunense Li, Cai and Clarke, 2006.
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Key words
Shrimp,Karst cave,Atyidae,Palaemonidae,Caridina,Macrobrachium,China
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