Coherent intradimer dynamics in reaction centers of photosynthetic green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus


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Early-time dynamics of absorbance changes (light minus dark) in the long-wavelength Q y absorption band of bacteriochlorophyll dimer P of isolated reaction centers (RCs) from thermophilic green bacterium Chloroflexus (Cfx.) aurantiacus was studied by difference pump-probe spectroscopy with 18-fs resolution at cryogenic temperature. It was found that the stimulated emission spectrum gradually moves to the red on the ~100-fs time scale and subsequently oscillates with a major frequency of ~140 cm −1 . By applying the non-secular Redfield theory and linear susceptibility theory, the coherent dynamics of the stimulated emission from the excited state of the primary electron donor, bacteriochlorophyll dimer P*, was modeled. The model showed the possibility of an extremely fast transition from the locally excited state P 1 * to the spectrally different excited state P 2 *. This transition is clearly seen in the kinetics of the stimulated emission at 880 and 945 nm, where mostly P 1 * and P 2 * states emit, respectively. These findings are similar to those obtained previously in RCs of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides . The assumption about the existence of the second excited state P 2 * helps to explain the complicated temporal behavior of the Δ A spectrum measured by pump-probe spectroscopy. It is interesting that, in spite of the strong coupling between the P 1 * and P 2 * states assumed in our model, the form of the coherent oscillations is mainly defined by pure vibrational coherence in the excited states. A possible nature of the P 2 * state is discussed.
Bioenergetics,Biophysical chemistry,Supramolecular assembly,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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