
Condemnation of livers associated to parasitism of Ascaris suum in swine sourcing of subsistence farmers, in Zona da Mata region, Minas Gerais State

A. S. Dias, A. M. Tanure, H. G. V. C. Manhães

Scientific Electronic Archives(2017)

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This study aims to evaluate the association between the presence of milky spots on the liver of pigs coming from subsistence farms associated with the presence of Ascaris suum adults in the intestinal lumen of these animals. This study was conducted in three slaughterhouses located in the municipality of Piranga, during the process of slaughter of the animals tried to assess the presence of milky spots (spot milk) on the liver parenchyma associated at investigation as to the presence of adults of the nematode in the intestinal lumen of these animals. it was found that in all pigs in which there is the presence of A. suum in the intestinal lumen, it was possible to verify the presence of milky spots in the liver of these animals. However, in the presence of adults in the intestinal lumen occurred in 6.16% of the animals and liver condemnation occurred in 17.12% of the animals, therefore, not every animal with the presence of milky spots in the liver necessarily had had the presence of adults in the intestinal lumen. These animals are raised without any zoosanitary assistance.
ascaris suum, prevalence, association, condemnation of liver
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