Integrated education sessions included in a tailored rehabilitation program for patients with interstitial lung disease


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Introduction: One of the commonest unmet needs reported from patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) is education, with little published data available. Methods: An education program (EP) was developed by health care providers, patients and academics, along principles outlined by Holland et a (Patient Educ Couns,2019). Deployment was within a regional tailored pulmonary rehabilitation program (PRP). Sessions were provided to patients and carers in an interactive, informal community setting, within the Marie Curie Hospice. The EP focused on: diseases and management, anxiety and depression control, benefits of the PRP, nutrition, respiratory muscle training, palliative care, exacerbation prevention, maintenance of exercise following rehabilitation, cough and dyspnoea control, and oxygen therapy. The EP was successfully implemented in 28 patients (24 IPF, 4 other ILD) The PRP was reviewed and attended by a patient support group. At the end of the program, feedback was provided. Results: Feedback was positive. Patients liked the friendly, non-hospital environment and the small group setting. Summary and Conclusion: The EP was appreciated and liked by patients and carers. Objective assessment of our program led to a national award for excellence, increasing the profile of the mixed disciplinary team and PRP in patients with ILD. EP can be successfully deployed within real world PRP for people with ILD.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,Personalised medicine,Adults
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