Monitoring physical activity in cardiac and respiratory patients with the accelerometer fitbit alta HR

European Respiratory Journal(2019)

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Insufficient physical activity (PA) level causes an increase of cardiorespiratory illnesses and consequently recurrent exacerbations and hospitalizations. Monitoring spontaneous PA of the cardiac and respiratory patients undergoing rehabilitation programs through the use of FITBIT ALTA HR®. The outcomes are: the number of daily steps, increase in the 6MWD, EQoL, MRC, BID, BIM. 99 patients were recruited from the Cardiology and the Pneumology Units of ICS MAUGERI Veruno (NO, Italy). The inclusion criteria were: patients with cardiac or respiratory diseases; BIM ≥ 50; autonomy of at least 50 m in walking; consent of the patient. The exclusion criteria were: bedridden patients on admission; neurological disorder with impaired motricity; BIM Every patient worn FITBIT ALTA HR® device during the first (T0) and the last (T1) 24 hours. In this time span, it was accomplished the 6MWT and the rating scale. During the hospitalization an aerobic reconditioning program was proposed to the patients. it was observed an increase of the daily steps (T0 5625 ± 3397; T1 7160 ± 4075), 6MWD, (T0 332 ± 93; T1 368 ± 98) EQoL (T0 53 ± 21; T1 80 ± 16), MRC (T0 2,5 ± 1,1; T1 1,5 ± 1,1), BIM (T0 88 ± 11; T1 95 ± 9) and BIMD (T0 30 ± 17; T1 17 ± 18) (P-value the number of daily steps connect the level of physical activity to the autonomy and the perception of personal wealth. FITBIT ALTA HR® is able to define the efficacy of a rehabilitative cycle more than 6MWT and it can be used to monitor pre/post hospitalizations so as to prevent possible re-intensifications.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing,Cardiorespiratory Fitness,Exercise Capacity,High-Intensity Interval Training,Aerobic Exercise
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