Possible treatments for infantile spinal atrophy

Pascual-Pascual Si, Garcia-Romero M


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The new treatments of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) due by SMN1 gene deletions are reviewed. There are several ways to increase the protein SMN, its activity and persistence in the tissues. Neuroprotective drugs as olesoxime or riluzole, and drugs acting by epigenetic mechanisms, as histone deacetylase inhibitors, have shown positive effects in preclinical studies but no clear efficacy in clinical trials. They might give in the future added benefits when used associated to other genetic modifying drugs. The best improvements in murine models of SMA and in clinical trials have been reached with antisense oligonucleotides, drugs that modify the splicing of SMN2, and they are expected to get better in the near future. Nusinersen, a methoxi-ethyl phosphotioate antisense oligonucleotide has recently approved for treatment of patients with SMA type 1 after having proved its efficacy in clinical trial phase 3. The results of nusinersen are reviewed. New modifications of antisense oligonucleotides with better access to brain, spinal cord and peripheral tissues are on the way. There are data of the efficacy of the genetic therapy with SMN1 gene through adenoassociated virus, now in phase 1 trial. A constant feature of these new treatments is that the earlier the treatment, the best are the results, and they are even better in presymptomatic stage. The general standards of care, particularly nutrition and respiratory management are needed in order to reach optimal results with the new therapies.
Antisense oligonucleotides,Genetic treatment,Kugelberg-Wellander disease,Spinal muscular atrophy,Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
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