A Novel Head Mounted Display Based Methodology for Balance Evaluation and Rehabilitation


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In this paper, we present a new augmented reality (AR) head mounted display (HMD)-based balance rehabilitation method. This method assesses the individual's postural stability quantitatively by measuring head movement via the inertial measurement unit sensor integrated in the AR HMD. In addition, it provides visual feedback to train through holographic objects, which interacts with the head position in real-time. We implemented applications for Microsoft HoloLens and conducted experiments with eight participants to verify the method we proposed. Participants performed each of three postural tasks three times depending on the presence or absence of augmented reality, the center of pressure (COP) displacement was measured through the Wii Balance Board, and the head displacement was measured through the HoloLens. There are significant correlations (p < 0.05) between COP and head displacement and significant differences (p < 0.05) between with/without AR feedback, although most of them were not statistically significant likely due to the small sample. Despite the results, we confirmed the applicability and potential of the AR HMD-based balance rehabilitation method we proposed. We expect the proposed method could be used as a convenient and effective rehabilitation tool for both patients and therapists in the future.
augmented reality,head mounted display,postural stability,balance rehabilitation,balance assessment,visual feedback
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