Multitwistor mechanics of massless superparticle on AdS5 × S5 superbackground

Nuclear Physics B(2020)

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Supertwistors relevant to AdS5×S5 superbackground of IIB supergravity are studied in the framework of the D=10 massless superparticle model in the first-order formulation. Product structure of the background suggests using D=1+4 Lorentz-harmonic variables to express momentum components tangent to AdS5 and D=5 harmonics to express momentum components tangent to S5 that yields eight-supertwistor formulation of the superparticle's Lagrangian. We find incidence relations of the supertwistors with the AdS5×S5 superspace coordinates and the set of the quadratic constraints that supertwistors satisfy. It is shown how using the constraints for the (Lorentz-)harmonic variables it is possible to reduce eight-supertwistor formulation to the four-supertwistor one. Respective supertwistors agree with those introduced previously in other models. Advantage of the four-supertwistor formulation is the presence only of the first-class constraints that facilitates analysis of the superparticle model.
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