Acute ICH in patients identified as being treated with either warfarin or direct-acting oral anticoagulant agents (DOACs) from a radiology perspective; a cross-sectional observational of 2359 emergency CT head studies.

L Salimin, F Barber, M Limbada, O Khalil,S Williams

Clinical Radiology(2020)

Cited 6|Views4
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•The use of direct oral anticoagulation (DOAC) is gaining popularity over warfarin.•The rate of acute intracranial haemorrhage is lower in patients treated with a DOAC compared to warfarinised patients.•The intracranial haemorrhage rate of DOACs is also lower in a cohort of patients with traumatic head injury.
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Key words
oral anticoagulant agents,warfarin,acute,radiology perspective,direct-acting,cross-sectional
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