["Risk factors of childhood depression" research grant - past, present, future].

Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata(2020)

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The authors summarize the last 10 years of an ongoing collaborative study between the Universities of Szeged and Pittsburgh on early onset major depression. First, the "Risk factors of childhood depression" grant is presented briefly as an initial research study in which the subjects of the current studies were recruited. This is a prominently large clinical sample in the field of child psychiatry even on an international level. In addition to the follow-up of the prognosis of the disorder, recent studies continue to explore the early onset depression in two directions. On the one hand, two studies investigate the role of biobehavioral inflexibility markers in the development of major depression ("Biobehavioral inflexibility and risk for juvenile-onset depression" and "Biobehavioral inflexibility and risk for juvenile-onset depression - renewal grant"). On the other hand, the authors would like to have a better understanding of the possible relationship between the major depression and cardiovascular diseases ("Pediatric depression and subsequent cardiac risk factors: a longitudinal study"). The most significant aims of the three studies will be demonstrated, as well as how the studies were prepared and organized along with the already existing experience concerning research management and involvement of new collaborating partners and experts.
childhood depression,risk factors,research grant
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