Byte-Aware Floating-point Operations through a UNUM Computing Unit

2019 IFIP/IEEE 27th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC)(2019)

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Most floating-point (FP) hardware support the IEEE 754 format, which defines fixed-size data types from 16 to 128 bits. However, a range of applications benefit from different formats, implementing different tradeoffs. This paper proposes a Variable Precision (VP) computing unit offering a finer granularity of high precision FP operations. The chosen memory format is derived from UNUM type I, where the size of a number is stored within the representation itself. The unit implements a fully pipelined architecture, and it supports up to 512 bits of precision for both interval and scalar computing. The user can conFigure the storage format up to 8-bit granularity, and the internal computing precision at 64-bit granularity. The system is integrated as a RISC-V coprocessor. Dedicated compiler support exposes the unit through a high level programming abstraction, covering all the operating features of UNUM type I. FPGA-based measurements show that the latency and the computation accuracy of this system scale linearly with the memory format length set by the user. Compared with a highly optimized software implementation, the proposed unit achieves speedups between 3.5 × and 18 ×, with comparable accuracy.
Variable precision,Floating-point,UNUM,Scientific computing,ISA,RISC-V,Multiple precision,FPGA
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