Gs 2000+25: The Least Luminous Black Hole X-Ray Binary


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Little is known about the properties of the accretion flows and jets of the lowest-luminosity quiescent black holes. We report new, strictly simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of the nearby stellar-mass black hole X-ray binary GS 2000+25 in its quiescent state. In deep Chandra observations we detect the system at a faint X-ray luminosity of erg s(-1) (1-10 keV). This is the lowest X-ray luminosity yet observed for a quiescent black hole X-ray binary, corresponding to an Eddington ratio L-X/L-Edd similar to 10(-9). In 15 hours of observations with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, no radio continuum emission is detected to a 3 sigma limit of mu Jy at 6 GHz. Including GS 2000+25, four quiescent stellar-mass black holes with L-X < 10(32) erg s(-1) have deep simultaneous radio and X-ray observations and known distances. These sources all have radio to X-ray luminosity ratios generally consistent with, but slightly lower than, the low-state radio/X-ray correlation for stellar-mass black holes with L-X > 10(32) erg s(-1). Observations of these sources tax the limits of our current X-ray and radio facilities, and new routes to black hole discovery are needed to study the lowest-luminosity black holes.
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