Distorted Building Image Matching with Automatic Viewpoint Rectification and Fusion.


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Building image-matching plays a critical role in the urban applications. However, finding reliable and sufficient feature correspondences between the real-world urban building images that were captured in widely separate views are still challenging. In this paper, we propose a distorted image matching method combining the idea of viewpoint rectification and fusion. Firstly, the distorted images are rectified to the standard view with the transform invariant low-rank textures (TILT) algorithm. A local symmetry feature graph is extracted from the building images, followed by multi-level clustering using the mean shift algorithm, to automatically detect the low-rank texture region. After the viewpoint rectification, the Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) feature is used to match the images. The grid-based motion statistics (GMS) and RANSAC techniques are introduced to remove the outliers and preserve the correct matching points to deal with the mismatched pairs. Finally, the matching results for the rectified views are projected to the original viewpoint space, and the matches before and after distortion rectification are fused to further determine the final matches. The experimental results show that both the number of matching pairs and the matching precision for the distorted building images can be significantly improved while using the proposed method.
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building image matching,repetitive structure,transform invariant low-rank textures (TILT),grid-based motion statistics,viewpoint fusion
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