Patient's satisfaction beyond hand function in Dupuytren's disease: analysis of 1106 patients

Ralph Poelstra,Yara E. van Koolj,Mark J. W. van der Oest,Harm P. Slijper,Steven E. R. Hovius,Ruud W. Selles, Arjen Blomme, Berbel Sluijter, Corinne Schouten, Dirk-Jan Van der Avoort, Erik Walbeehm, Gijs van Couwelaar, Guus Vermeulen, Hans de Schipper, Hans Temming, Jeroen van Uchelen, Luitzen de Boer, Nicotine de Haas, Oliver Zophel, Sebastiaan Souer, Thybout Moojen,Reinier Feitz,Xander Smit, Rob van Huis, Pierre-Yves Pennehouat, Karin Schoneveld,Robbert Wouters, Paul Zagt, Folkert van Ewijk, Frederik Moussault, Rik van Houwelingen, Joris Veltkamp, Arenda te Velde, Alexandra Fink, Jarry Porsius, Kim Spekreijse, Chao Zhou,Jonathan Tsehaie, Miguel Janssen,Stefanie Evers, Jak Dekker, Matijs de Jong, Jasper van Gestel, Marloes ter Stege, Menno Dekker, Roel Faber, Frank Santegoets, Monique Sieber-Rasch, Ton Gerritsen


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This study investigates the outcomes of 1106 patients with Dupuytren's disease treated with limited fasciectomy or percutaneous needle fasciotomy over 16 years according to the different domains of patient-reported hand function. These patients completed the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire before and 3 months after surgery. Scores for the various outcome parameters were calculated and linear regression analyses were used to examine associations between the changes in digital extension deficit and change in Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (sub)scores. We found the largest effects of surgical treatment in the decreases in extension deficit, the appearance of the hand, and the satisfaction with the hand function. However, associations between different domains of evaluation were weak. We conclude that improvement of digital extension deficits is not parallel to varying aspects of patient satisfaction. The findings underline the importance of assessing domains relating to patient satisfaction other than objective hand function measures in Dupuytren's disease.
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Key words
Dupuytren's contracture,treatment outcome,patient-reported outcome measure,finger goniometry,hand appearance
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