291. Using Individualized Provider Feedback to Improve HCV Screening in a High-Volume Emergency Department

Open Forum Infectious Diseases(2019)

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Abstract Background Ending the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) epidemic requires HCV testing as the critical first step. Busy urban Emergency Rooms are uniquely suited for HCV screening programs but numerous barriers to effective program implementation exist. We describe an emergency room physician champion model that utilizes the feedback intervention theory (FIT) to providers to increase HCV screening rates. Methods Due to the changing epidemiology of HCV in 2017 New York Presbyterian supported one-time universal HCV screening. In September 2018, our physician champion provided an educational session to ED providers about the importance of HCV screening and the proposed study. From the end of September to the end of March 2019, providers received a monthly e-mail from the ED champion and an automated text message with their individual and peer HCV screening rates. The number of HCV tests and percent of individuals with documented HCV testing in the ED was compared pre and post this intervention and to HCV testing in the inpatient and outpatient setting where feedback was not provided. Results On average ED providers evaluated approximately 14,000 patients per month. HCV testing increased 1,600% from an average of 40 tests per month in the 18 months prior to the intervention to an average of 640 tests sent per month during the intervention. tests sent in December. This was compared with stable inpatient and outpatient HCV screening during the same time period. Conclusion Individualized provider feedback paired with an ED physician champion can lead to a significant increase in HCV testing. Ongoing studies will determine if this intervention can lead to long-term behavior change. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.
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