SFSPM 2018 — Congrès de la Société Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire (Avignon, 7-9/11-2018)

D. Serin, S. Adnot, C. Allioux, S. Alran, B. Bazin,M.-K. Bendiane, E. Bo-Gallon,D. Boinon, A.-D. Bouhnik, E. Bourstyn,C. Charles, A. Clément, J. Coussirou, B. Cutuli,S. Dauchy, P. Debourdeau, L. Degos, P. Duponchel, T. Durand,F. Eisinger,C. Falandry, B. Favier,P.E. Heudel, C. Ledig,A. Lesur, J. Mancini, A. Monet, J. Moretta, J. Neveu,G. Ninot,M. Préau, C. Ravot,C. Rousset-Jablonski,R. Touzani, M. Valéro, J.-J. Zambrowski


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The 40th SFSPM conference was held in Avignon from 7 to 9 November 2018. The topics addressed - Breast Cancer: Optimisation of the Care Process - brought together more than 1,200 participants under the vaults of the Palais des Papes. The fluidity of each process segment was analysed in terms of risks to the continuity of care within the segment itself, and both upstream and downstream. In a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional process, the need for global reflection and active coordination by trained professionals was emphasised at each session. Each speaker outlined potential quality indicators, taking into account both their involvement in their intervention segment and also taking into account a more global view of what the journey through illness and care should be. The talk time was widely shared between caregivers and patient associations, between medical paraprofessionals and stakeholders in the humanities and social sciences, between public health officials HAS, ARS, CNAM-CPAM 84 and representatives from the different modes of private public hospitalisation and ESPIC. The public session was an opportunity for constructive and informative exchanges about perceptions of both the difficulties and satisfactions encountered that patients, their relatives and representatives of associations shared with us. Overall, a conference for shared reflection between many stakeholders, all seeking to improve the care process for breast cancer patients. The INCa publication on 21 January covering 10 quality indicators of the care process for breast cancer patients is an important milestone eagerly awaited by all Avignon participants - SFSPM 2018.
Breast cancer,Care process,Fluidity of the care path,Continuity of care,Coordination of processes,Advanced practice nurse,Quality indicators of a care process
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