P2.05-12 Analysis of Biomarkers in Lung Cancer in Spain


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The analysis of biomarkers in lung cancer (LC) is currently one of the most important care needs, given the importance of their presence in the selection of specific treatments. Our objective was to know the implementation degree of these tests in a large cohort of patients in Spain using the Thoracic Tumor Registry (TTR) of the Grupo Español de Cáncer de Pulmón (Spanish Lung Cancer Group). The TTR is an observational cohort multicenter study of the LC in Spain. Information on patients (p) enrolled from August 2016 to December 2018. The study is conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the institutional review board of each participating institute. The registry was approved by the Spanish Drug Agency as a non-post-authorization, non-interventional study. A total of 7,872 patients from 58 Spanish sites were enrolled. Analysis of molecular markers considering all the LC stages: A molecular test, the most frequent being the EGFR test, was performed in 4,456 patients (67.5%). The proportion of biomarker evaluation has varied over time, ranging from 57.9% prior to 2012 up to 73.7% in 2017. Molecular markers in patients with stage IV. Three thousand four hundred forty-six (3,446) patients (52.2%) had a stage IV on diagnosis. The molecular assessment of some biomarkers reached 81.4% of all the patients, there being differences between Regional Communities in regard to the molecular tests made. There was performed some biomarker test in 92% of the 2570 patients with stage IV and adenocarcinoma histology. The analysis of ALK was tested in 79% of the patients, this being in 40% only 2 years ago. ROS was studied in 20% of the cases and EGFR in 92%. Although no national plan exists for molecular biomarker analysis in LC in Spain, the implementation of the biomarkers analysis in all the hospitals that contribute to the TTR is high, as close to the maximum as possible. The increase in the ALK analysis in the last period is relevant. As regional differences exist, it would be of interest to go in depth to study its cause.
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biomarkers analysis,EGFR,ROS,ALK
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