Accounting for Edge-Plasma Parameter Dynamics at JET Divertor Sputtering Estimation during Edge-Localized Modes

I. E. Borodkina, V. A. Kurnaev

Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Ser. Thermonuclear Fusion(2021)

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The sputtering of tungsten divertor tiles at the JET ITER-like wall (ILW) during edge-localized modes (ELMs) is one of the main sources of tungsten impurity in the core plasma. The analytical approach for interpretation of the Langmuir probe (LP) measurements of ion flux at the divertor tile is elaborated to model the ELM ion parallel transport and to estimate the flux of sputtered tungsten atoms from the divertor under inter-ELM and intra-ELM conditions. Accounting for the pedestal temperature and density decrease at the pedestal crash during ELM allows obtaining the profiles of the particle and heat fluxes at the divertor tile corresponding to the measurements at the physically correct magnetic connection length. Estimates of the tungsten sputtered flux under intra-ELM and inter-ELM conditions show that first type ELMs contribute significantly (~85%) to the overall tungsten sputtering, which is in a good agreement with the divertor optical emission spectroscopy of the 400.9 nm atomic neutral tungsten line in JET discharges.
physical sputtering,ELM,tungsten divertor,JET
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